
I enjoy a good conversation. I swing like that.

Social Media

Find me on social media for a good time! It’s literally that easy. Take a look in the upper right hand corner of the site to find me.


Or if you are fucking insane and feel like I am ignoring you on social media you can always send me an email right here. You can bet that I’m not posting my address here. Those damn spambots can kiss my ass. But if you fill out this simple form I will get your email. Then I’ll email you back. At that point you will have my email address for all eternity if you really need it that long. Or you can come back here and send another one from here. I promise you, the spambots won’t take your address either. I’m a sub-genius like that.

Email address
Well, you have to know these things when you’re a king, you know.

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  • Honk! Honk!
  • Honk! Honk!
  • Honk! Honk!
  • Clan VISH presents:
  • Baby goose