
Amazon seems to be hell bent on having me read every single teen sci-fi book out there. Meta by Tom Reynolds. Alien bands give humans extraordinary powers, and our teen protagonist gets the best bands of the lot, giving him a number of powers. This is surprisingly some of the best writing that I’ve come across. Superheros have been done to nausea so there’s no surprises with powers or situations. The faux batman is spot on and brilliant and works

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47 Ronin

I read 47 Ronin by John Allyn as the smash hit movie about Tom Cruise running through Japan a white guy in Japan was about to hit theaters. The story of 47 Ronin has many variations that have arisen over the years so I figured the movie would be nothing like the book. I did end up watching the movie as well, and found it to be a wonderful pop corn action flick, but I did enjoy the book better.

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Sufficiently Advanced Technology

I read Sufficiently Advanced Technology by Christopher Nuttall in February this year. I found this book on Amazon’s daily deals and picked it up since it has an interesting premise. A technologically advanced space faring human empire comes across a world without technology, instead having magic. The writing is vivid and the characters are adequately fleshed out. The more the author focused in on this one planet and a handful of characters I longed to hear more about the rest

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