A Dark Moment for our Country

A quote from Mr. Beckerman, the lawyer from New York that has been trying to fight for the rights of the people the RIAA has been sueing. I find it interesting. The article has an exeprt from the trial, it doesn’t seem like they are inocent until proven guilty here. But then again my understanding of the law is a little weak. That’s what I keep the Super Squirrel Lawyer around for.

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More Than Meets the Eye

This is fucking badass. Finally kids these days will be able to appreciate the greatness of the original old school Transformers. I think I actually still have all the original ones packed up in a closet somewhere. I wonder what I could get for them on ebay these days….

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So this definately has to be a topic that I am well versed in. When it comes to getting something done, I’ll do it! Later. This article is talking about how you can turn procrastination into a strength and be productive. I was reading it and said “That’s me!” Might be a useful or interesting read for you too….if you ever get around to it.

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It was pretty hot today. My balls sweated. Had dinner with the Baby Drew. Pizza and beer. Not many dinners better than that. Maybe a steak and bj. We also discussed the importance of getting bj’s while eating smores. We concluded it is very important. Anyways, I’m working on something for funkyhouse, and I wanted everyone’s opinion. And by everyone, I mean everyone who comes to funkyhouse. And by everyone that comes to funkyhouse, I mean Squirrel. And by Squirrel

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Oblivion Domino

So this is the game I’ve been playing lately. This guy set up one of those domino things with the map editor from the game. Pretty damn cool waste of time. Check it out here.

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MP3 of the Week

Since the site is back up it’s time to put up a new mp3 as well. Here’s the single off the Red Hot Chili Pepper’s new album Stadium Arcadium. The album is great, I can still hear Geroge Clinton in there, and that makes me smile. I can’t put this album down, so definately pick it up. Till you do here is a little something to wet your whistle. Download Red Hot Chili Peppers’ ::: Dani California

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Massive blerghz0rs. So to end off a shitty week, we got even shittier. Looks like my blogs database decided to get corrupted big time. Sad thing? I had a backup from a week ago. Sadder thing? It appears to be getting corrupted when I upload it. It works fine on my development box, but no it won’t work in production. Fuck you goose! So we’re gonna roll with static html pages. That is right kiddies! funkyhouse is back to 1995!

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